Liposuction: Pre & post-operation care essentials

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Liposuction is a common procedure to remove excess fat from under the skin. Over the years, the equipment and overall surgical method turned far more advanced thereby promising quick, painless and effective results.

Liposuction in UAE particularly is highly regarded due to ultramodern medical facilities and surgeon’s expertise. There’re however a few pre and post-care essentials to consider thus ensuring better results and safe recovery. Read on and find out!

Before the surgery

  • Medicines

Patients expecting liposuction are recommended to avoid taking Aspirin at-least two weeks in advance as it thins the blood. Doing so would help reducing bleeding and bruising post-operation. If you’re already taking Aspirin for some other health condition, consult your doctor. Also enquire about over-the-counter medicines, herbs, food supplements, laxatives and vitamins.

  • Tests

Your primary physician may recommend blood tests before undergoing the surgery along with chest X-Ray. This would reveal the proper functioning of the heart and lungs or any underlying infection, collapsed lungs or pneumonia that may seriously hamper a patient’s condition. A typical chest X-Ray also reveals broken ribs or tumours.

Telemetry may be advised which is constant monitoring of the heartbeat. Sticky pads and monitoring equipment is attached to the body recording pulse and heartbeat.

You may be given a relaxant pill or shot for proper sleep a night before the surgery as well as a specific diet plan.

Day of the surgery

A special soap is provided by the doctor, recommended to bathe with in the morning on the day of surgery. Carefully wash the treatment areas or points for at-least 10 minutes especially creases and folds.

Just rinse the soap off with plain water and avoid putting any lotion, powder or other cosmetic on the skin. Wear loose and comfortable clothes that are also recommended after the surgery for comfort and possibility of incision drain.

Don’t forget asking the doctor for pre-operative medicines that include insulin, high blood pressure pills, diabetic or cardiac pills. It’s better brining the medical prescription to the facility where liposuction in Dubai is expected.

Be sure medical consent form is signed by a family member and approved by your primary doctor/surgeon. Local anaesthesia is given before starting with the surgery so it’s better clearing all the points.

Sufficient dose of saline and blood clotting medicine is injected to shrink the blood vessels and numb the area. This would reduce the pain and bleeding whereas liquid would drain after the surgery. Incisions/cuts are made at the areas of liposuction.

After the surgery

You’ll be shifted in the recovery room till further directions from the primary surgeon or physician. A bandage and pressured garment such as abnormal binder, a girdle or ace wraps are covered over the treated areas.

Possible risks

In rare cases, a patient may bleed more than usual or get an infection. To avoid such, frequent follow-ups with the doctor are preferred to avoid such issues. Swelling may last for a few days or months after the surgery depending on severity of the treatment. It’ll take time for the treated skin to retighten so you need being patient and carefully follow directions given by the doctor.


Whether expecting liposuction in Dubai or at any other place, the above pre and post-operative care essentials are worth considering.

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