Why People Use Anabolic Steroids and HGH Injections?

The dirty little secret of professional sports Hollywood and the global Olympics is that many people are using HGH injections. Injectable Somorolin acetate or an analog of secretive gouge growth hormone releasing hormone and testosterone replacement therapy to get the advantage over their competitors. In the past such as the 80s and 90s, football pros were injecting all kinds of crazy cocktail mixes of anabolic steroids. As a consequence, they were dying at a very young age after having push their bodies to the bleeding edge.

One only needs to look back in time to find the names and faces of these men and women on the internet. Many of these people died in their 40s and 50s due to complications of anabolic steroid abuse but this fact is not always stated.

Only Reputable Physicians can Prescribe HGH

At the dawn of the 21st century, the internet would finally usher in the age where it is theoretically possible for every person in the world to have access to all knowledge. And so is the secret got out about age 13 and people became intrigued rushing to doctors in every city and state in the United States seeking out these remedies.

HGH Controversies

Since the 1918, the United States Congress has been aware of the controversy of human growth hormone as a result of the amateur and professional athletes that have used to get the edge over their competition. A large number of athletes have been suspended or kicked out of their sport for alleged or proven use of human growth hormone.

However, most specialist doctors themselves were just learning about these controversial medicines peeking everyone’s curiosity. Stem cell therapy, gene therapy and hormone replacement therapy; The buzz words people keep pounding into Google, Yahoo and Bing ravenously devouring everything they could possibly find out about it.

However, the problem was that the breakthroughs were happening daily weekly and monthly making it hard to keep up. Those stem cell therapy and gene therapy are having their Kinks worked out in clinical trials and will be fully ready for the mainstream public until the next 5-10 years.

Currently, hormone replacement therapy utilizing HGH, Somorolin and testosterone has become very popular amongst baby boomers. In fact, many baby boomers are stating that some marlin acetate combined with testosterone replacement therapy have given them the best results. More so than and testosterone alone. So things continue to develop.

HIV and Muscle Wasting

Human growth hormone provides real benefits apart from simple hormone restoration. Bio identical human growth hormone is commonly prescribed for a condition known as aids or HIV related wasting. One of the most dangerous symptoms of aids and HIV is that it can lead to severe muscle atrophy and the breakdown of the internal organs.

Bio identical has been clinically proven to help prevent these debilitating symptoms allowing patients to live longer and healthier lives. HGH can also help people to gain weight with a high caloric intake and exercise something even aids patients struggle with.

HGH is Beneficial for Both Men and Women

Among patients over 35-years old, both men and women prescribed HGH humatrope 72 iu injections have experience a reduced body fat and increased physical strength. Fat burning occurs primarily around the mid-section, the toughest area of fat to reduce. Bodybuilders must not ask a doctor for HGH as it’s not legal and you will most likely lose your opportunity to get HTH for health purposes.

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