Plaster of Paris, as the name suggest is a large deposit of Gypsum found in Paris. It is also known as Lime plaster or Gypsum plaster.
Usually people think that PoP is a modern day construction material found by construction industry. But that is not true. This material was used long back around 5000 years ago in Syria as well as in Egypt while creating their monuments. Apart from Syrians and Egyptians, these materials were also during the Roman and Greek civilisations. So, this material is not something that is found by the modern day architects but holds a huge history behind.
What is Plaster of Paris?
Well this material is commonly used in construction as a building material and even creating sculptures. Today you can easily find Plaster of Paris wholesale suppliers across the world. In India, it is widely used in creating god idols during the festival seasons apart from using it for construction. Now you must be wondering that how a building material can be used in creating other stuff as well? The answer is, when you heat Gypsum to 140 degrees Celsius, it converts itself into a powdered form. This powdered form when mixed with water, it transforms into its original state Gypsum but in a softer form like a paste. This paste can be used to give any kind of shape with the help of right tools. PoP is highly used in wall construction to give it a smooth look. However, the only disadvantage of this product is that, even after getting into solid form it is not as firm as the good old cement.
Uses of PoP
PoP is quite a versatile material that can be used for many purposes. Due to its ability to take any shape, it can be used for various reasons. Here are some listed below: –
- This material is commonly used for smoothening of wall surfaces. PoP when mixed with wall putty, it sets quickly and hence gives a nice smooth finish to the walls.
- It is used in creating complex interior detailing. These detailing can be both natural and even geometric.
- PoP is the material that is used for making chalks for blackboards
- This material is widely used in medical field as well like for setting broken bones, also known as fractures. Even dentist use them for dentistry and also for creating surgical instruments.
- Lot of artist use them for creating statues and sculptures
- You can even use this material for repairing as well
Advantages of PoP
There is a reason why this material is extensively used these days. Let us look as some advantages of using PoP
- Very cost-effective when comes to construction
- Non-allergic
- Sets within 15 to 20 minutes
- Can be easily moulded to any form
- Does not catch heat easily
There is a flip side as well of using this material: –
- It is radio opaque. It means that after application it may occlude lines
- The material is heavy to apply
- It can easily be remoulded when comes in contact with water
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