Distilled water can help with your skin problems

Solve your skin problem with our Water Distillers here in the UK 1 9

In this article we will discuss…

  • Hard water and how it causes skin irritation
  • How distilled water can help alleviate skin problems
  • How to create your own distilled water at home


Hard water can be a problem for a number of people in numerous ways. If it isn’t clogging our steam appliances with limescale, it’s making out hair dry and brittle. It’s also worth noting that hard water, while shortening the life of our irons and kettles, also happens to be filling our bodies with chemicals and toxins and all the while, subsequently creating havoc for our skin. The skin, one of the biggest organs of our body, is a delicate little thing. Although it provides us protection from the elements, it can also be extremely sensitive too, reacting to anything from soap powder to wind, and even extreme temperatures. On top of this, hard water and skin problems has now been heavily linked with recent research showing some forms of acne and rosacea to be the result of hard water on the skin. There also happens to be a direct correlation between hard water and eczema too. Thankfully, Make Water Pure, water distiller suppliers, have come to the rescue to thousands of people across the whole of Europe by giving people the means to create their own pure and might we add, soft water. Here’s how distilled water helps skin problems.


<h2>Distilled water and your skin</h2>


If you’re coming to the end of your tether when it comes to your skin problems, you’re not alone. Like most people, you’ve probably tried every lotion and potion there is. You religiously washed, cleansed, toned and no doubt moisturised with every so-called spot clearing treatment there is, to no avail. We understand however, that the mere suggestion of changing your water could seem a little ridiculous but listen, it’s about to get scientific as we explain just why distilled water prevents skin problems.


Our bodies are made up of 70% water, give or take. So it should come as no surprise to learn just how much we need good old water. Sadly, the tap water we drink and wash ourselves with also happens to contain a number of contaminants, toxins and additives that lead it to being labeled “hard” water. The cold hard truth of this is: we’re covered in soap scum, which is clogging our pores and leading to breakouts. The reason behind this is that hard water and it’s high chemical and mineral content actually prevents it from reacting correctly with soap. Instead of triggering a lather, it simply creates a soapy layer which remains on our skin, leading to dry, itchy skin.


Thankfully there is a way around this and it doesn’t involve multiple trips to the supermarket to purchase bottles of distilled water. With an at-home water distiller, you can create an endless supply of pure, crystal clear, distilled water (or four litres in under four hours) in your own home. This means you can create an endless supply of clean water to wash your face, clean your hair and even drink to stop the endless irritation from harsh, abrasive tap water. With distilled water, skin problems will be a thing of the past.

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