Boosting Your Travel Blog through Guest Posting

Regardless of the niche, guest posting is an effective method to grow your blog. Travel bloggers, however, get a surprisingly larger range of opportunities  compared to others. Like for instance: With a marketing blog, you can reach out to other marketing blogs, SEO blogs, small business blogs, and so forth, but those all have a highly competitive niche. Guest post slots are limited since a lot of other people vying for them.

With travel blogging, you open up a wide array of possible guest hosts with every trip you take, and you have a wide set of subjects to tackle. As a world traveler, you cover a lot of different bases, and you open up a ton of opportunities.

Here’s what you can do to grow your travel blog through guest posting:

Create a list of places you visited :  

You need to make and maintain a list of the places you visited, the things you do in there, and your thoughts on it all. At the time, this might not seem like an important step to take, but having documentation, notes, and subtle thoughts you might not remember is a great help. If you find an excellent guest post opportunity for a trip you took years ago but you don’t remember enough about it to write something specific, you lose that opportunity. 

Keep a travel journal : 

Each trip gets a document divided by day, and within each day, by event. Make notes and review everything you do. Write about public transit, write about meals you eat like finding the best Italian restaurant in town or trying for the first time an exotic food from a particular country.  Write about the culture, the smell, the friendliness of the people, and anything else that catches your eye. Carry a small notebook with you just in case your smartphone is not accessible in your location. Transfer those notes from handwritten copy to digital one, expand them and add thoughts in retrospect.

Your overall adventures get a spreadsheet or a solo document as a “table of content” for your travels. Take down important information, like the location of the trip, the dates, the overall cost, and other information you want to see at a glance. If possible with the system you’re using, include a link to the document that contains the trip notes, so it’s easy to go from table of contents to notes document.

In your table of contents, for each trip, keep a list of the guest posts you’ve written, where they have been published, and what their topic covered. This helps you remember what you’ve done so you don’t accidentally duplicate a post too closely, and it helps you remember connections you have that you might forget.

This will serve to spur memories down the line, to get overarching data about your travels that might be useful for case studies or data-driven guest posts, and to simply remind you of opportunities.

Do array of things : 

You’re a travel blogger because you like to see the world and experience new things, not because you want to hide in a hotel room in your comfort zone. The more adventurous your experiences, the more you have to blog about. Unique stories, interesting experiences, and special moments make for more engaging – and this more viral – blog posts. This benefits the sites you post on, and it benefits you. If possible, try everything out.

Take more photos than you think necessary : 

Photos add value to guest posting. Many blogs don’t think about getting images from their guest bloggers, and they simply free stock images. Travel blogs in particular benefit from a lot of exceptional imagery. The goal, after all, is to inspire readers to want to visit these places, to live vicariously through you.

As you grow more experienced, you’ll be able to take more, better pictures and be able to adjust to a quality over quantity model, but before then, it is always recommended to take more than you think. Some will turn out bad, and some will be duplicates, but that’s a good thing. So, take a lot of photos. It may seem excessive, but you’ll be able to cherry pick the best ones.

When you pitch a guest post, you can mention that you have pictures that you not only will allow them to use, but you can give them the rights to. This can be hard to do, particularly if you want have made money selling pictures before, but it’s potentially quite valuable. This is also why you want to take a ton of pictures; if you have 3 good pictures of a particular landmark, you can use one on your blog, one on your social media, and one to give away to guest hosts.

 Locate local blogs in your destination :

Once you’ve finished with a trip, do some research into the area you just were. There is likely a bunch of blogs centered around that local area that can be potential guest post targets.

Once you’ve built up a bit of a reputation as a travel blogger, you can start doing this research before you go, and build part of your itinerary around potential guest posts. In fact, once you have some contacts in certain areas, you can tell an editor that you’re going to be in a specific area, and ask if there’s something they’d like you to cover. You’re much more likely to be accepted than if you have a blind pitch.

 Pitch for article contribution :

You can showcase posts you have created about other similar locations and topics on your site. You can also leave some room open for the editor to tell you what they want, if that’s how you prefer to operate. It might take a few pitches to get some posts accepted, and you might have to go a ways through your list to find blogs that are willing to accept guest posts in the first place. Make note of the sites that reject you, ignore you, or aren’t willing to link to you; these you can discard from your list, or move to a “not worth it” column so you don’t try to pitch them later, forgetting that they’re not valuable to you.

Pitch guest testimonials to product blogs :

When you travel, you bring items with you, you use services there and while traveling, and you partake in the luxury of chains. All of these tend to run blogs, and many of them might link to or feature you. For example, if you travel in the wilderness, maybe you can look up the blog of the people who manufacture your tent, to write an adventure testimonial about using it. Maybe you can write about that time the knife you carry saved you from a sudden storm.

Many of these larger corporate blogs won’t respond to guest posts, and some of them barely even keep a blog. That’s fine; there are virtually endless opportunities as you travel and use different products. Anything you can guest post about, you can write about on your own site, with affiliate links and reviews. This can make you some money for the same type of content. Plus, sometimes the companies will even reach out and give you products in exchange for your testimonial.

Network with other travel bloggers :

Identify the authors and contributors to those features and start to network with them. Add them to Twitter lists, follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn, share their posts, ask them questions, and become a friend without being annoying or pestering.

Put together a blog post pitch, a polished idea that would fit well with one of those big name sites, specifically the one the author you’re networking with works for.

With so many possible opportunities available, with some dedication, you can absolutely rock the travel blog industry!

Author’s Bio:

Rosette Monell is a literary critic, essayist, poet and environmental activist set in Canadian province of Quebec. She has a massive experience in both freelance writing and blogging, enabling her to be the writer of choice for most of her clients.


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